lunes, 4 de marzo de 2019

List of activities to be done for the Italian mobility

List of activities to be done for the Italian mobility
Ortona, 13th – 17th May 2019

The main topics for the second mobility of “RIGHTFUL PERCEPTION OF REALITY”  are Democracy and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
We can start from a general definition of the concept of DEMOCRACY with clear examples in the history of our Countries.
For example, Italy could talk about the birth of the Italian Republic after the Institutional  Referendum on June 2nd 1946.
Relating to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights we can start from a general presentation of the history of this document and then the analysis of the 30 rights.
It is necessary to divide the 30 rights as follows.

The Declaration consists of a preamble and thirty articles:
  • The preamble sets out the historical and social causes that led to the necessity of drafting the Declaration. (ITALY)
  • Articles 1–2 established the basic concepts of dignity, liberty, equality, and brotherhood.
  • Articles 3–5 established other individual rights, such as the right to life and the prohibition of slavery and torture. (GREECE)
  • Articles 6–11 refer to the fundamental legality of human rights with specific remedies cited for their defence when violated. (PORTUGAL)
  • Articles 12–17 established the rights of the individual towards the community (including such things as freedom of movement). (SPAIN)
  • Articles 18–21 sanctioned the so-called "constitutional liberties", and with spiritual, public, and political freedoms, such as freedom of thought, opinion, religion and conscience, word, and peaceful association of the individual. (TURKEY)
  • Articles 28–30 established the general ways of using these rights, the areas in which these rights of the individual can not be applied, and that they can not be overcome against the individual. (TURKEY)
  • Articles 22–27 sanctioned an individual's economic, social and cultural rights, including healthcare. (ITALY

    The idea to divide the 30 articles of the Declaration in this way is due to the categories of relevance of the articles themselves.

    Each delegation will bring in the way it wants some examples of the violation of one or more articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in their own Country.

    Each delegation can choose the operating mode that it prefers as power point presentation, video, interview, role play……Each delegation could also choose to design some articles of the universal declaration of human rights (5-6) for the realization of a calendar for the following year.
    The Italian Team
    Prof.ssa Romina Marchesani
    Prof.ssa Alessia Lotti
    Prof.ssa Danila Rodolfo
    Prof. Daniele Cocco

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